Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to buy a sign

OK - so you know you need a sign in the near future - now what?

Free information is a good place to start when buying most anything so let's start there. There is a lot of good information available on the internet about signs. The Small Business Administration has provided advice to entrepreneurs for decades and promotes the use of signage for startups and existing businesses. Much of the thought process is common sense - signs provide information to the people near you. The details can get complicated and that is where a professional will save you time and money by providing an effective sign. Use somebody who has been around for a while or will be around in the future. It is nice to work with a sign company that is easy to communicate with on your terms.

The main thing is to find a company you can trust.

My company website provides contact information and pictures along with catalogs you can browse to get ideas.

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